Thursday, March 28, 2013

some are better

Day 2 went pretty good, well except for the mexican food last night. But hey, baby steps. I didn't eat all day long & then go have mexican food. No I had juice for breakfast, sensible lunch, sunflower seeds then mexican food. I drank some juice last night while I was getting my produce ready for today.

Breakfast today was yummy. Some combinations are better than others. In the juicer this morning was kale, cucumber, celery, spinach, pineapple, cuties, carrot, apple & ginger. I drank it on the way to work & wished I had more. I will have to try to remember that one.

For afternoon snack I have romaine lettuce, kale, celery, asparagus, lemon, cucumber & ginger. I did sneak a little sip before I put the lid on it & it taste good too!

Stephanie came over for our 5 AM workout & I'm feeling the soreness already setting in. But bring it, it's time for an healthier improved Pie.

Happy Friday-Eve folks . . . that is if there is anybody out there.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

before ~ praying for better after

Day 1 of juicing went pretty good. Had my first juice on the way to work, it was good except think I will cut back on the celery. Got a little hungry around 9ish so had some sunflower seeds, busy food. Had a salad for lunch, had more juice on my way to walk.

And yea me, I walked 3 miles yesterday. For supper I put green chili salsa on a chicken breast & grilled it then put some pepper jack cheese on it. Served it up with some steamed broccoli with lemon juice. YUMMY! I do believe Day 1 was a success.

Decided this morning that I needed before pictures. I've never taken pictures when I've started trying to loose weight. And I'm leaving them on my phone so when I think I want a Dr Pepper I can look at the before pictures & hopefully change my mind. Now keep in mind these were taken around 5 AM when Stephanie came over to work out so I am looking really pretty.
Here they are for all the world to see:

Pretty huh? If I remember I will take pics every couple of weeks but at least every month. So Day 2 is on it's way, let's pray for the same willpower I had yesterday. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

let the JUICING begin

So I have these 2 friends, Sharon & Jessica, (yes I have friends) that have been JUICING ~ no not steroids ~ and have been loosing weight & feel amazing. I have been intrigued with JUICING since I saw an Jack Lalane infomercial years ago. I did myself some research & listened to my friends, bought myself a juicer.

I went for the Breville Juice Fountain Plus

With the juicer I got the video Fat Sick and Nearly Dead which after watching it really opened my eyes on the benefits of JUICING. Yesterday I went to the store & got myself some veggies, prepared then for juicing, set up the juicer & went to sleep thinking about how green juice is going to make me healthier.

This morning I grabbed my little bag out of the frig & commenced to making juice. It was fun & I think I could play with this machine for hours. My breakfast contains kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, cucumber, celery, apple & lemon. The taste was a little different but not appalling. I added a couple drops of Sweetzfree to help this time. Think tomorrow I will add some pineapple. I also went ahead & made myself an after work drink that I will enjoy on my way to do a training walk of 3 miles. 

I'm not ready to become a total juicer just yet. My plan is to have juice for breakfast & after work, eat a sensible lunch & supper. That's my plan, I'm going to try very hard to stick to it. I'm sick & tired of feeling sick & tired & fat (220 lbs). You are welcome to follow me along on this journey if ya want to. So here we go ~ cheers to better health.